Employee Rights and Responsibilities

                                        Figure 1: Employee rights and responsibilities

In order to establish a safe and healthy workplace for both themselves and their coworkers, it is crucial that all employees are made aware of their rights and responsibilities. These rights and responsibilities may cover things like compensation, health and safety requirements, the requirement to wear protective equipment, etc. Additionally, this can involve adhering to Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations, reading posters posted around the office that outline these responsibilities and rights, and heeding cautionary signs regarding behaviors that could put oneself or another at risk of a work-related injury or illness (Upcounsel, 2023).

Employee Rights in the workplace

  • ·         Break Time

Every employee is entitled to a break that lasts at least one hour each day. Some businesses permit their staff to sleep for 1.5 hours. We frequently neglect our mental health when working in an office.

  • ·         Fixed Working Hours

Typically, each business has set working hours of between 8 and 10.5 hours each day. These hours might be set in shifts, be flexible, or be rigid. Any employee who works longer than the predetermined hours will be charged overtime. For the additional hours he has worked for the firm in this situation, the employee may receive additional pay.

  • ·         Safe and Healthy Work Environment

According to the law, every employee has the right to demand a safe and healthy work environment. It is the HR department's responsibility to provide a safe workplace environment. Additionally, the organization needs to make arrangements for emergency equipment to be installed.

  • ·         Medical Claim Facility

If an incident or accident occurs within the company, the organization typically offers medical claim facilities to its employees. To guarantee that the workplace environment is secure and free from such risks, it is exclusively the common duty of all parties.

  • ·         Saying No to work on Holidays

The option to skip work on paid holidays is entirely up to the employee. No one from the business can make him start using his laptop and work remotely while on paid vacation.

  • ·         Availability of Company Resources

The business is responsible for providing all the tools needed to complete the task. The employer itself must take responsibility for managing a laptop, notepad, office bag, mobile phones, and other essentials related to the work profile. As a result, HR is in charge of handling such issues.

  • ·         Paid Leaves

Every employee is entitled to a minimum of 12 annual holidays. He can easily get it from the HR person of the company, respectively. Every employee working for the company is entitled to such paid leave, regardless of duration. This includes maternity leave, paternity leave, privilege leave, sick leave, and government holidays.

  • ·         Right to ask for Unfair Termination

It is referred to as an unfair termination if the employee is requested to leave the company immediately and there are no formalities, good reasons, or procedural requirements followed. An employee who is the victim of such an event has the right to complain to the business tribunal. An employee has the full right to know why his employment with a firm has come to an end, and if the employer refuses to provide this information, the employee has the right to take legal action against the employer (Azmi, 2023).

Main Responsibilities of Employees 

Even if they work part-time or do not have a legal contract with their employers, employees still have responsibilities.

These are the main responsibilities of employees:

·        1.To personally complete the work they were hired to complete with care and seriousness (in some             cases, they could be fired or disciplined if they frequently arrive late for work, are absent too                 frequently, or are absent without a valid excuse).

·        2. To prevent endangering oneself or others.

·        3. To adhere to their employer's directives a few exceptions apply.

·        4.For instance, if an employer requests that an employee perform something risky or against the law, the   employee is not required to comply.

·         5.To be trustworthy and faithful (Educaloi, 2023).

                                                Figure 2: Rights & responsibilities


Employees are better equipped to react when DIPV enters the workplace when they are aware of their rights and responsibilities. When deciding how much information to disclose and how much support to provide, it is crucial to carefully consider both the employers and employees' rights to privacy and confidentiality. There will be different circumstances for each violent occurrence, so not all of them will require the same response or amount of disclosure. Every attempt should be made to strike a fair balance between protecting someone's privacy and maintaining workplace safety.


Azmi, W., 2023. Startup HR Tooklist. [Online]
Available at: https://www.startuphrtoolkit.com/employee-rights-and-responsibilities/
[Accessed 2 May 2023].

Educaloi, 2023. Educaloi. [Online]
Available at: https://educaloi.qc.ca/en/capsules/rights-and-responsibilities-of-employers-and-employees/
[Accessed 2 May 2023].

Upcounsel, 2023. Upcounsel. [Online]
Available at: https://www.upcounsel.com/employee-rights-and-responsibilities
[Accessed 2 May 2023].


Figure 1: Employee rights and responsibilities. 1

Figure 2: Rights & responsibilities. 3










  1. Wow good content .Well done.This is very important and essential topic related to HRM

  2. Good content, indeed.Good work.This is a crucial and very important HRM-related topic.

  3. The post underscores the significance of clarity and transparency in fostering a productive and harmonious work environment.


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